With the right leadership businesses can be at the forefront of positive change, and the valuable time and effort that we all invest in our professional lives is so much more rewarding when we are working with organisations that share our personal values about the wider world, and that we know are pulling in the same direction.
sustainability & diversity commitments
At S and C we believe that as well as being a moral imperative, diversity, equity & inclusivity in the workplace drives creativity, innovation and growth as well as making us all more understanding colleagues and human beings.
This is why, at the start of every project, we propose a joint financial commitment from our clients and ourselves, where both parties agree to donate a portion of the final placement fee to their chosen diversity charity, if the final shortlist is not suitably representative.
We are always very happy to discuss further commitments based on the values most important to each of our clients.
connect with us
Either get in touch using the contact form, send us an email to hello@sandcsearch.com or check us out on LinkedIn.